8 Recommendations for Beautiful Magelang Tourist Attractions

Tourist Attractions Magelang

Magelang, located in Central Java, Indonesia, is a region steeped in cultural history and surrounded by stunning natural beauty.

It offers a diverse range of attractions from ancient temples to lush landscapes, making it an ideal destination for tourists looking for both cultural enrichment and natural exploration.

Here are some top recommendations for beautiful Tourist Attractions in Magelang that should be on every traveler’s itinerary.

1. Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is the world’s largest Buddhist temple and undoubtedly the crown jewel of Magelang.

This UNESCO World Heritage site dates back to the 9th century and is famous for its intricate lattice stupa, exquisite carvings, and panoramic views of the surrounding lush landscape.

Visitors often ascend the temple early in the morning to catch a breathtaking sunrise that illuminates the volcanic backdrop including Mount Merapi.

2. Mendut & Pawon Temples

Close to Borobudur, these two smaller temples form part of a sacred triad with Borobudur itself. Mendut Temple houses a remarkable 3-meter tall statue of Buddha, and its walls are adorned with vibrant, detailed bas-reliefs depicting Buddhist teachings.

Pawon Temple, often considered a gem of Javanese temple architecture, serves as a ritual stopover on the pilgrimage from Mendut to Borobudur.

3. Mount Merapi

For the adventurous, Mount Merapi offers an exciting trekking experience. This active volcano is one of Indonesia’s most active and is revered by locals.

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The trek to its summit provides challenging routes, with rewarding views of the sunrise over Java from the crater’s rim. Guided tours are available, providing a safe and informative hiking experience.

4. Ketep Pass

Ketep Pass is a vantage point located between Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu, offering spectacular views of both volcanoes.

The site includes a volcanic museum which provides insights into volcanic activity in the region and the geological history that has shaped this landscape. The panoramic vista from Ketep Pass is particularly stunning in the early morning or late afternoon.

5. Selogriyo Temple

This ancient Hindu temple, though small and less renowned, offers a unique charm. It is situated at the end of a scenic walk through rice fields and villages, showcasing rural Javanese life.

The journey to Selogriyo Temple itself is as rewarding as the destination, providing a serene and contemplative experience amidst beautiful natural surroundings.

6. Elo River Rafting

For those looking for a bit more adventure, rafting down the Elo River can be an exhilarating experience.

With a variety of rapids suitable for beginners and intermediate rafters, this activity combines adventure with the opportunity to enjoy the lush landscapes of Magelang from a different perspective.

7. Punthuk Setumbu

Punthuk Setumbu is another fabulous spot for sunrise enthusiasts. Located just a few kilometers from Borobudur, it offers a less crowded alternative for sunrise viewings.

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The early morning trek to the hilltop rewards visitors with a mystical view of Borobudur shrouded in mist against the backdrop of Mount Merapi.

8. Svargabumi Borobudur

This relatively new attraction is a cultural park that blends art, nature, and spirituality. Svargabumi offers stunningly landscaped gardens, artistic installations, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It’s a perfect spot for those looking to immerse themselves in peace and artistic inspiration.


Magelang is a treasure trove of cultural and natural tourism, making it an attractive destination for tourists in Indonesia.

From the stunning Borobudur Temple to the thrill of white water rafting on the Elo River, there is something in Magelang for every type of traveler.

Things to do Jogja Whether you are looking for a spiritual journey, adventure, or simply a place to relax and enjoy nature, Magelang welcomes everyone with its rich heritage and stunning views.

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